Become A
Recommended Travel Agent
& let your next clients find you!
Without a doubt, the most popular questions we get in our group relate to travel agents. And we want to make it easier than ever for cruisers to find you.
“How do I find a travel agent?”
“Should I use a travel agent?”
“Which travel agent should I use?”
The Disney Cruise Line Community is filled with members worldwide looking to plan the most perfect Disney Cruise Line vacation.
(and growing every day!)
engagement rate
within the community
of community members
are women age 25-64
By becoming a Recommended Travel Agent you’ll have exclusive placement on our website, which is the only place for our members to find a travel agent.
What Does It Mean To Become A Recommended Travel Agent?
When you become a Recommended Travel Agent, you’ll be added to our website directory. Your listing will be customized just for you and, depending on your tier, can include the below information:
About Me/Us
Favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory
Buttons to allow clients to email or call you directly from your listing
Plus, if you join at the gold or platinum level, you’ll be eligible to submit blog posts for the Disney Cruise Line Community website, and at the platinum level you’ll be eligible to schedule a 30-minute Facebook Live each month discussing a specific topic or answering member questions.
Wondering how all this will work?
You’ll have the option to join at the Gold, Silver, or Platinum tier depending on the engagement you’d like to have with the community.
We’ll gather your info to create a beautiful page to showcase you and allow potential clients to contact you with the click of a button.
Then all that’s left is to combine your love of helping others with some Disney magic to create some truly magical trips for your new clients!
Travel Agent Tiers
Note: payment plans are available for the silver and gold tiers.
✔ Placement on Recommended Travel Agents directory
✔ About me / us section (limit 250 characters)*
✔ Share your favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory
✔ 1 headshot/photo
✔ Ability for clients to call or email you directly
(Pay annually to save $200)
✔ Placement on Recommended Travel Agents directory
✔ About me / us section (limit 500 characters)*
✔ Share your favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory
✔ Tell members why you are the best travel agent for them
✔ Up to 5 headshots / photos
✔ Up to 5 testimonials*
✔ 5 blog posts* per year (optional)
✔ Ability for clients to call or email you directly
(Pay annually to save $400)
PLATINUM TIER (only 8 spots)
✔ Priority Placement on Recommended Travel Agents directory
✔ About me / us section (unlimited characters)*
✔ Share your favorite Disney Cruise Line Memory
✔ Tell members why you are the best travel agent for them
✔ List your specialties (Large Parties, European Travel, Land & Sea, etc.)
✔ Up to 10 photos
✔ Unlimited client testimonials*
✔ Ability for clients to call or email you directly
✔ 1 blog post* per month (optional)
✔ 1x 30-minute Facebook Live with Rebecca per month discussing specific topic or answering member questions (optional)*
✔ Listing included in the DCL Facebook group as well
(Pay annually to save $800)
*Denotes review and approval is needed from admins. All Travel Agents will be vetted before being added to the Recommended Travel Agents directory.
Have questions? We have answers.
No. Our Facebook group rules prohibit travel agents from soliciting clients from the group or even sharing that they are agents. Only Travel Agents who are members of our Recommended Travel Agents will be allowed to be listed as the preferred travel agents to our entire community. Our community can then contact you directly removing all need for solicitation. With the opportunity to tell over 200,000 members about why they should choose you as their Disney Cruise Line Travel Agent, the number of magical moments you can create are as endless as the ice cream onboard!
You can join monthly or annually depending on how you want to engage with the community. We realize this is an investment in your business’s growth, so we do offer discounts on annual rates. Members are cruising all year long with Disney, so this is an opportunity to be top of mind when it matters most.
Absolutely! Send us a note here to upgrade your membership. From there, we’ll work together on updating your profile accordingly
No. The current Travel Agent files will be removed. Agents are not allowed to promote their services in the group as the group is not meant for solicitations. We will place the Platinum agents directly in the group for direct access for members along with a link directly to the Recommended Travel Agents page where Silver, Gold, and Platinum agents can be found.
As a member of the Disney Cruise Line Community and Travel Agent yourself, you know better than anyone the hot topics that Disney Cruise Line vacationers want answers to. What questions do you get daily? What questions are members of the Community asking regularly? Looking for inspiration? Send us a note and together we can decide the best topic for your next blog as a Gold or Platinum Recommended Travel Agent.
Do you want to grow your business? Do you have the capacity to take on more clients? Do you enjoy what you do? If the answers to those questions is yes, then this is an easy answer. Yes! With a growing community of over 175,000 members, every single day we get questions regarding travel agents. Even if only 1% of the group is interested in getting help from you directly, that’s still over 1,700 cruises. Instead of sending members to a bottomless document or a search engine, now we can send members to our Recommended Travel Agent directory with seamless access to you, your bio, and your contact information. Easiest marketing ever!
Something else on your mind? Send us a note.
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